The Cataracs, a young group out of Berkeley, has an innovative sound that is ahead of the game. The Cataracs have a hip-hop background (I first heard them on the Blueberry Afghani song with The Pack) but the super creative producer, Cyrano, delves into an electronic style these days. Check out their latest hit song that is tearing up bay area radio right now:
They have the type of style that can be played in clubs around the world. I've just realized that this kind of creative and innovative music results when artists make what they love instead of trying to please the mainstream first. Check out more new Cataracs music:
Also check out their Chromeo-like video of "Hit me back"
And if you don't know who Chromeo is... you're missing out. I posted his most freaking awesome video back on this post. He's touring the west coast this July so check him out. His video for the song "fancy footwork" just came out. See below:
I don't know how I haven't gotten around to posting about M.I.A more often (last time I did was on this post...great video and song!). This woman is one of the most creative artists I know. Most of her songs have political messages but they still go hard in clubs around the world. I was at the theater watching "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (which is realllly funny and the brown haired chick in it is realllllly fine) and before the movie they showed a preview for "The Pineapple Express" and they were playing M.I.A.'s new song, "Paper Planes." I went nuts cuz this song is DOPE/super fresh. Check the video:
i'm soooo happy you made this post. i've been looking to download those songs forever. thank you so much. :D
glad to be of service
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